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Connected Learning

The Lasell curriculum builds upon the concept of "connected learning," which combines breadth in the arts and sciences, professional/technical coursework, and educational projects that tackle real issues. Connected learning refers to explorations of issues, problems, and events through in- and out-of-classroom activities and projects. Lasell University strives for students to be so engaged with academic subject matter that learning itself matters to them in ways that go beyond meeting course requirements and earning grades. We thereby emphasize the idea of Lasell students being productive versus consumptive learners as they become committed simultaneously to a successful and rewarding career, an ongoing life of intellectual exploration, and active citizenship. Through course-based projects, internships, clinical experiences, and on- site training, all of Lasell's degree-granting programs center on students' understanding of the value of their academic work as they prepare to become imaginative and ethical practitioners in their chosen professions.

In support of its commitment to connected learning, Lasell has created several on-campus opportunities for linking classroom and professional experience. For instance, students across the curriculum work with experienced teachers and children at our on-site Child Study Centers. The Athletic Training students work with Lasell athletes in a state-of-the-art training facility. The Fashion program brings experts from a wide variety of companies and organizations to campus to interact with our Fashion majors. Students plan, organize and produce an annual departmental fashion show during the spring semester that highlights student- designed garments; additionally students are active throughout the year working on industry related events with various organizations in the greater Boston area.  Lasell University Radio engages Communication majors as well as students across the curriculum in hands- on media production, as does The 1851Chronicle, the University's student newspaper, and Polished, which is becoming one of Boston's premier fashion, culture, and trends magazines. Criminal Justice and Legal Studies students learn about the court system through participation in Mock Trials. Our Exercise Science Lab allows students to practice and master assessment and rehabilitative techniques as they learn them in class. At the University's annual Fall Career Readiness Symposium, students engage in activities and presentations designed to further their career development. The annual Spring Connected Learning Symposium serves as a showcase of their academic accomplishments, also in a professional conference setting. 

The University experience aids students in forming a view of life, and this includes understanding not only the requirements of a successful professional career but also the positive contribution one can make as an active community member and global citizen. Lasell's Center for Community-Based Learning provides opportunities for volunteer work as well as course-based community service-learning projects, including a variety of domestic and international service learning trips. Lasell's Donahue Institute for Ethics, Diversity, and Inclusion fosters awareness of the importance of a civil society and sensitivity to the moral dimensions of choices individuals make. The Institute sponsors various events and programs in support of its mission.

Lasell University is known nationally for its living-learning retirement community, Lasell Village. Although Lasell Village is among a growing number of University-affiliated retirement communities in the country, it is the first to feature a formal, individualized, required continuing education program for its residents. The Village provides a host of intergenerational learning opportunities. Lasell University students can work and learn at Lasell Village in a variety of program related internships, as well as interact with Lasell Village residents on campus in classes, at University events, and by working collaboratively on a variety of on or off-campus projects.

Lasell University academics are designed to provide a supportive and empowering environment for every student. A low student to faculty ratio ensures close attention to varying learning styles. The academic advising system focuses upon and fosters the development of personal initiative and decision-making; the advisor serves as a facilitator and a guide, helping the student to make choices rather than making choices for the student. There are many additional support services offered at the University to facilitate student learning, as well as ensure the quality of co-curricular life, and academic and professional planning. These include the Academic Achievement Center (AAC), Registrar's Office, Financial Aid, Career Services, Residential Life, and the Health and Counseling Center. Connected learning beyond the curriculum also includes a wealth of opportunities for leadership development and participation in organizations and University activities.

The goal of the Lasell Plan of Education is to provide educationally sound and engaging opportunities for each student to realize his, her or their fullest potential. Lasell University students graduate with an enriched sense of the contribution they can make in their profession and their community, enhanced confidence in their ability to learn and grow, and an eagerness to meet the challenges they will face throughout their personal and professional lives.