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AC-BS - Accounting

Business Bachelor of Science

Degree Type

Bachelor of Science


Longe School of Business


The Accounting major provides students with the opportunity to gain the advanced knowledge and skills necessary for successful, productive and satisfying careers in both the private and public sectors.

Students develop the financial knowledge and analytical skills necessary for understanding the various components of business organizations and the role of accounting within them. The Accounting major provides a flexible program of study, relevant to all areas of accounting, with a strong emphasis on practical accounting work. Consistent with the University's connected learning philosophy, the accounting major offers students various project-focused, as well as service-learning, opportunities. Students are highly encouraged to take a Service Learning course such as SVL108, Tax Volunteer, and/or SVL 207, Accounting Facilitator. The Internship program provides a capstone work experience for all students during their senior year.

By planning early, in consultation with an academic advisor, students may be able to reduce the time it takes to complete a bachelor's degree in Accounting to 3 or 3½ years.

The program provides students with the critical knowledge needed to sit for the Certified Public Accounting (CPA) exam, as well as the various other Accounting Certifications including Certified Management Accountant (CMA). Graduates receive a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting.