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CJ-BS - Criminal Justice

Criminal Justice Bachelor of Science

Degree Type

Bachelor of Science


School of Humanities, Education, Justice, and Social Sciences


The field of Criminal Justice explores why society considers some actions to be criminal and how those definitions are influenced by social, economic, political, and psychological forces. This major takes a liberal arts approach to the discipline, strongly incorporating the "connected learning" philosophy of the University. Majors participate in many connected learning activities, including service-learning. The major culminates in the senior year with a year-long Capstone Experience. This experience includes both a full year Justice Studies Internship and a full year Senior Capstone class. Students complete internships in such locations as courts, police agencies, corrections, governmental agencies, and youth service organizations. The program prepares students to enter graduate programs in Criminal Justice and Criminology, Sociology, Psychology, Political Science, Public Policy, or Law School. A bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice prepares students to apply their learning as well in such areas as law, law enforcement and public safety, crime prevention, domestic violence, gang interventions, adult and juvenile probation and corrections, parole, drug and alcohol abuse and prevention, and diversion programs for first-time offenders. The University has established the Theta Ro Chapter of the National Criminal Justice Honor Society, Alpha Sigma Phi, and the Beccaria Society, a club for majors. The Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice at Lasell University is approved by the Massachusetts Board of Higher Education under the Guidelines for Criminal Justice and Law Enforcement Academic Programs.

By planning early in consultation with an academic advisor, students may be able to reduce the time it takes to complete a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice to 3 or 3½ years.

The Double Laser Program offers students the opportunity to earn an accelerated Master's degree in as little as one year after graduation, while also saving up to 30% on graduate school tuition.