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ENTP-BS - Entrepreneurship

Business Bachelor of Science

Degree Type

Bachelor of Science


Longe School of Business


Entrepreneurship is one of the fastest-growing areas of study nationwide. This major provides students with the knowledge and skills to start and operate their own businesses, work for growth-oriented and innovative firms, work in family businesses, and bring entrepreneurial perspectives to their chosen fields. Entrepreneurship majors learn a broad range of transferable skills and gain strong competence in critical thinking, strategic management, and hands on business experience. There is a wide variety of Connected Learning opportunities both on and off-campus for Entrepreneurship students. Additionally, all students in the Entrepreneurship major participate in Service Learning through Buss 220, Marketing, which is a required course. Graduates receive a Bachelor of Science degree in Entrepreneurship.

By planning early, in consultation with an academic advisor, students may be able to reduce the time it takes to complete a bachelor’s degree in Entrepreneurship to 3 or 3½ years.

The Double Laser Program offers students the opportunity to earn an accelerated Master's degree in as little as one year after graduation, while also saving up to 30% on graduate school tuition.