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FASHMM-BS - Fashion Merchandising and Management

Fashion Bachelor of Science

Degree Type

Bachelor of Science


School of Fashion


The Fashion Merchandising and Management program in the School of Fashion at Lasell University provides students with comprehensive knowledge and specific skill sets for leading business operations in the current and future fashion industry landscapes. All elements of merchandising, marketing, and management of the fashion enterprise are explored and applied in industry-oriented hands-on projects – some topics include retail and wholesale, visual and digital merchandising, supply chain logistics, omnichannel operations, and more – with an emphasis on strategic management for optimized business results. Partnering with a real industry company, the Senior Capstone experience challenges students to apply merchandising and management skills accumulated throughout the program, acting as a consultant to the firm – developing innovative strategies and pitching business solutions to company executives. Graduates receive a Bachelor of Science Degree in Fashion Merchandising and Management.

With continuously updated curriculum designed to prepare students for industry and a required internship experience, Fashion Merchandising and Management graduates are well-positioned for a variety of successful careers. The Double Laser Program offers students the opportunity to earn an accelerated Master's degree in as little as one year after graduation, while also saving up to 30% on graduate school tuition.